Black History Month and Black Achievement Month

Black History Month and Black Achievement Month

Black History Month and Black Achievement Month – October 2021

Statement from Daisy Brooker, IPFA’s CEO:

“October marks the month of Black History Month in the UK and Ireland, and Black Achievement Month in the Netherlands. IPFA is committed to driving and supporting change with respect to Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in the infrastructure and energy industry globally. We see the importance of sharing, celebrating and understanding the impact of Black heritage and culture on our society, and in particular the contributions and achievements of people of colour in our industry.

Over the month we will be celebrating the diverse communities our members represent. We will be sharing activities and resources on the theme of racial awareness, equity and Black achievement, and the interview series, ‘Our Voices, Our Stories’ will celebrate members from the Black community.

Our activities won’t stop here – we will continue to focus on the importance of diversity and inclusion for Black History Month in North America in February, and globally beyond.

So, how can members get involved?

We’d love to hear from you with any events, webinars or activities you’re putting on throughout the month, or any relevant resources your organisation has produced. Contact us at to submit your activities and resources or to find out more information.

Follow us on LinkedIn and check out our website to see all our activities throughout the month. We always welcome feedback from members so if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas please do get in touch.”

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