Road Maintenance PPPs in Germany – Potential Pipeline or Undeliverable?

Whilst PPP projects in the German road sector have proven to provide a steady pipeline in recent years, the partnership approach is seen rather critical by the public eye.

Recent court cases regarding operational PPP motorway projects (A8, A1 A-Model projects) as well as projects at tender stage are causing uncertainty with developers and investors – and the newly created public authority for the German motorway network (Autobahn GmbH), who will be in charge of future PPP tenders, is causing additional “unknowns” in a so far stable market.

Discussion Points:

– Can Maintenance PPPs be a suitable alternative creating an opportunity for a new PPP pipeline?
– What are the main aspects to focus on and the requirements the different stakeholders would like to see fulfilled to ensure a wide market interest and make it a healthy project pipeline?
– What are the major challenges in maintenance PPPs with regards to technical due diligence as well as formal risk allocation between public sector and private partner?
– What lessons can be learned from existing Maintenance PPPs in other countries, like the UK?
– Will the partnership approach for urgently required Maintenance projects in the road sector be able to create a more positive momentum in public opinion?
– Last but not least, is the COVID-19 pandemic expected to have an effect on the PPP pipeline going forward?


Andreas Avril, Arup (Moderator)
Dessislava Strothmann, Autobahn GmbH (Keynote speaker)
Mauro Pensa, MUFG
Dirk Trautmann, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Joachim von Lukowicz, Hochtief PPP Solutions

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