Project Ireland 2040 and Its Role in Recovering from the COVID-19 Crisis

Project 2040 outlines ambitious plans for the development of Irish Infrastructure across all sectors including housing, healthcare, transport, communications, energy and social infrastructure. However, with the COVID-19 crisis this has had an unprecedented impact on the international and Irish economy.

Discussion points:

– How is COVID-19 impacting on Project 2040 projects?
– How can infrastructure projects be used to aid the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis?
– How are other countries preparing for an exit from COVID-19 from an infrastructure perspective?


Michele Connolly, Partner, Head of Infrastructure & Government, KPMG (Moderator)
Robert Watt, Secretary General , Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Shane Dempsey, Director of Communications, Construction Industry Federation
John Coleman, Chief Executive, Land Development Agency

For details of the original event, follow this link.

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