Building Recovery from COVID-19 in Australia – Sustaining Future Infrastructure Investment and Delivery
An infrastructure-focussed stimulus is a key plank to the Federal and State Governments’ strategy to bring the Australian economy out of the current recession. This stimulus will compound the need for the construction industry to overcome multiple pre-existing and new challenges. These include misalignment on risk allocation, capability gaps, and adversarial culture and the continued and now increasing insolvency risk to survive and deliver. The government and industry are progressing initiatives of partnership based approaches to risk allocation.
Our panellists explore the effectiveness of these initiatives and if there are signs of a more sustainable industry across owners, contractors, investors and financiers.
Bevan Brown, E3 Advisory (Moderator)
Jon Davies, CEO, Australian Construction Association
Alinta Kemeny, Partner, Restructuring and Special Situations, Ashurst
Michelle Sichlau, Executive Director, Origination, Plenary