Black Achievement Month | Sandra Tawiah, TwynstraGudde

Throughout Black History Month and Black Achievement Month we are celebrating the diverse communities our members represent.

In the latest episode of this series, Wandile Mamba, CDC Group, and Sandra Tawiah, TwynstraGudde, speak about Black Achievement Month in the Netherlands. In this 10-minute conversation, we hear from Sandra about her story; what Black Achievement Month means to her, what advice she has for those starting their careers, and who inspires her.

Black History Month | Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE, FIDIC

Throughout Black History Month and Black Achievement Month we are celebrating the diverse communities our members represent.

We are delighted to release this 10-minute conversation between Anne-Sophie Eveno, River and Mercantile Infrastructure and IPFA Board Member, and Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE, FIDIC. As a trailblazer and role model in the construction and engineering industry, Nelson tells us about his career to date, his greatest achievements and what the industry can do to to attract and develop talent from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Black History Month | Rashidat Apena, Aviva Investors

Throughout Black History Month and Black Achievement Month we are celebrating the diverse communities our members represent.

In this 14-minute conversation between Femi Fadipe, Capita Real Estate & Infrastructure and IPFA Board Member, and Rashidat Apena, Aviva Investors, we hear from Rashidat about her career journey to date, what Black History Month in the UK means to her and how we can all make the industry more inclusive.

Black History & Achievement Month | Anne-Sophie Eveno, River & Mercantile, and Femi Fadipe, Capita


Throughout Black History Month and Black Achievement Month we are celebrating the diverse communities our members represent.

In the final interview of October Black History and Achievement Month, Daisy Brooker, IPFA’s CEO, is joined by IPFA Board Members Anne-Sophie Eveno, Principal, River & Mercantile and Femi Fadipe, Director, Capita Real Estate and Infrastructure.

In this 13-minute video, we reflect on the conversations we’ve had over the month, discuss how Black History and Achievement Month have evolved in the workplace over the last few years and hear some advice for how everyone can show more awareness in the workplace.

Disability Awareness Month & ADHD Awareness Month | EY’s Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence

October is Disability Awareness Month in the US and ADHD Awareness month in the UK. This conversation is part of IPFA’s activities to raise awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace.

In the latest episode of Our Voices, Our Stories, Mayur Gondhea, founder of the financial modelling consultancy Cubelynx, is joined by members of EY’s Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence team Jamell Mitchell, Shelly Ramsey and James Hudgins. In this 20-minute discussion, we learn more about neurodiversity and challenges in the workplace for neurodivergent people. We also hear from EY about their Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence, the difference their program has made for their neurodivergent colleagues and how other organizations can follow in their footsteps.

Disability Awareness Month | Brian Ross, Ross Infrastructure Development

October is Disability Awareness Month. This conversation is part of IPFA’s activities to raise awareness of the impacts of disability in the workplace and in our industry.

In this 16-minute interview, Brian Ross, InfraShares and Ross Infrastructure Development, speaks to Zoe Markwick, Square Peg Infrastructure and US Branch Council Member. Brian talks about how having a disability has impacted him personally and professionally, and how being differently-abled has driven him to focus more on inclusion in the workplace. He also explains what a disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) is, and the challenges and opportunities he has faced as a DBE.

World Mental Health Day | Paul Farmer, Mind

World Mental Health Day is on 10th October every year, and this year’s theme is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’, and aims to highlight the impact of an increasingly polarised and unequal world on people’s mental health.

In this 18-minute conversation between IPFA Chair, Nick Chism, and Paul Farmer, CEO at Mind, we discuss the them of this year’s World Mental Health Day and how infrastructure can have an impact on mental health in an unequal world, as well as some suggestions of how to look after your mental health in the workplace.

World Mental Health Day | Richard Martin, Byrne Dean

World Mental Health Day is on 10th October every year, and this year’s theme is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’, and aims to highlight the impact of an increasingly polarised and unequal world on people’s mental health.

In this 23-minute conversation between Mark Richards, BCLP and IPFA Company Secretary, and Richard Martin, Byrne Dean, we hear from Richard about his mental health journey, and what companies can do to encourage more open dialogue.

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