What’s Next for Infrastructure Financing in the UK?
The Chancellor stated in late October 2018 that the government would no longer sign new PFI/PF2 contracts and this was followed up by the Infrastructure Finance Review consultation.
We therefore ask what’s next for financing infrastructure? Alternative models are considered and we explore how the advantages of the current model can be retained.
Senior guest speakers from the Scottish Futures Trust, Highways England and Thames Tideway project will provide their views, in an evening hosted by Jacobs.
Donald Morrison, Head of Europe, Jacobs
Peter Reekie, Chief Exeutive Officer, Scottish Futures Trust
Adrian Baxter, PPP Director, Jacobs (Moderator)
Mathew Duncan, Chief Financial Officer, Thames Tideway Tunnel
Peter Reekie, Chief Exeutive Officer, Scottish Futures Trust
Paul Williamson, Head of Corporate Finance, Highways England
Jackie Roe, Deputy Programme Director, Thames Tideway Tunnel
Jo Fox, Head, Public Partnerships Team, Project and Structured Finance Group,IPA
Richard Revess, Director, Helaba
The slides from Peter Reekie’s presentation on ‘The Future of Infrastructure Finance’ are available for members to download below.
Download Presentation | Peter Reekie, Future of Infrastructure Finance
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