The Transition in Nordic Infrastructure
In the Nordics, as an increasing amount of energy is produced with renewable sources, such as solar and wind, energy production has become more decentralized. As a result, electricity distribution initiatives have shifted focus on extending / reinforcing the physical network and finding ways to actively manage the varying generation and demand through the development of a smart grid. This event explores how electrification and other similar shifts are reshaping the Nordic infrastructure landscape, opportunities for investors and challenges the industry may face while making the transition.
Laura Huomo, Council Member, IPFA Nordic Region
Christian Doglia, co-founder and CEO, Infranode & Andreas Zettergren, Partner, MSA
Harald Överholm, CEO, Eneo
Eryn Dinyovsky, Nordic Manager, Yilport
Anna Telestam-Forsmark, Stockholm Public Transportation Authority
Moderator: Philip Ajina, co-founder and CIO, Infranode
Harald Överholm, CEO, Eneo
Eryn Dinyovsky, Nordic Manager, Yilport
Anna Telestam-Forsmark, Stockholm Public Transportation Authority
Therese Stömshed, Regulatory Partner, Mannheimer Swartling AB
The following speakers’ presentations are available for members to download below:
– Anna Telestam-Forsmark – Stockholm Public Transportation Authority
– Harald Överholm – Eneo Solutions
Download Presentation | Anna Telestam-Forsmark, Stockholm Public Transportation Authority
Members login to downloadDownload Presentation | Harald Överholm, Eneo Solutions
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