Capital Markets Solutions for Infrastructure in Asia
Moving from “Bankability” to Broad Based “Investability”
The large scale of infrastructure funding requirements in Asia Pacific requires a move towards infrastructure which is “investible” from a variety of perspectives, because equity providers, governments, development finance institutions and long-term investors need to work alongside banks to deliver funding for much needed projects in the region. In this context, how can capital markets solutions be scaled up to address these requirements?
An expert panel — comprising senior representatives from these different key funding stakeholders — will address this question and discuss what issues need to be resolved to mobilize more institutional capital for Asian infrastructure.
Attendees will gain valuable insights into the future state of play for infrastructure financing and appreciate how important it is for financing plans to allow for seamless partnerships between the different funding groups so that projects can optimise funding across their lifecycles.
Terry Fanous, Moody’s
Ray Tay, Moody’s
John Groesbeek, IFC
Ian Lewis, Moody’s (Moderator)
Towfiqua Hoque, World Bank Group
Sze Liang Lee, Infrastructure Asia
Quyn Siew, Citi
Frederic Thomas, HSBC Global Asset Management
Ray Tay, Moody’s
The slides from our event on Capital Markets Solutions for Infrastructure in Asia are available for members to download below.
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