Assessing ESG Workshop – A Practical Approach To Valuing Sustainability
A Practical Workshop on Sustainable Finance
S&P Global Ratings believes ESG analysis provides a holistic view of potential areas of environmental and social risk and opportunity for infrastructure companies and projects in rapidly evolving markets. Some empirical data suggest ties between strong performance on ESG factors and improved corporate financial performance and investment returns. Companies focusing on ESG issues have achieved reduced costs, improved worker productivity, mitigated risk potential, and created revenue-generating opportunities.
These are just some of the ways in which ESG can enhance corporate profits and long-term sustainability. By focusing on a broad suite of stakeholders, beyond shareholders and lenders, ESG analysis can capture remote, less quantifiable risks and opportunities that may not be material to a company’s creditworthiness at that time, but can be in the future.
This interactive ESG workshop, facilitated by S&P Global Ratings and referencing some real life infrastructure company examples, will draw upon the ESG Evaluation tool to assess an entity’s sustainability exposure and preparedness. The ESG Evaluation is for companies looking to help their investors gain a better understanding of their strategy, purpose and management quality. The forward-looking ESG Evaluation, is a relative analysis of their ability to operate successfully now and in the future using both public and private data.
The slides and associated materials from our Future Leader’s event on Assessing ESG Workshop – A Practical Approach To Valuing Sustainability are available for members to download below.
Download Presentation | ESG Evaluation
Members login to downloadDownload Presentation | ESG Evaluation Analytical Approach
Members login to downloadDownload Presentation | ESG Analytical Approach FAQ
Members login to downloadDownload Presentation | ESG Case Study Pack
Members login to downloadDownload Presentation | ESG Evaluation Tennet-Holding
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